SMPN 47 Satu Atap Seluma

Senin, 8 Januari 2024 merupakan awal masuk sekolah untuk periode semester genap Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024. Sebelumnya Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Seluma menetapkan melalui surat edaran bahwa libur semester ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2023/2024 dari tanggal 23 Desember 2023 — 7 Januari 2024.

Diawal semester genap ini, Kepala Sekolah dan GTK mengadakan rapat pembagian tugas. Pada kesempatan ini juga, diadakan sosialisasi pengisian ekinerja melalui Platform Merdeka Mengajar (PMM) oleh kepala sekolah. Kemudian selanjutnya GTK membuka Platform Merdeka Mengajar (PMM) untuk membuat perencanaan kerja dan secara bergantian langsung berdiskusi dengan kepala sekolah sebelum finalisasi. Pengisian RHK melalui PMM ini harus selesai pada 31 januari 2024. Berikut beberapa foto kegiatan:

2 Responses

  1. This article was truly enlightening! I was impressed by the comprehensive information and the straightforward, engaging manner in which it was presented. It’s clear that significant research and expertise went into this post, and it greatly enhances the quality of the content. The insights in the first and last sections were especially thought-provoking. They sparked some ideas and questions that I hope you can address in future posts. If you have any additional resources for further reading on this topic, I would love to check them out. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping to deepen our understanding of this subject. I felt compelled to leave a comment immediately after reading due to the outstanding quality of this piece. Keep up the fantastic work—I’ll definitely be returning for more updates. Your effort in creating such an excellent article is much appreciated!

  2. This article was truly enlightening! I was impressed by the comprehensive information and the straightforward, engaging manner in which it was presented. It’s clear that significant research and expertise went into this post, and it greatly enhances the quality of the content. The insights in the first and last sections were especially thought-provoking. They sparked some ideas and questions that I hope you can address in future posts. If you have any additional resources for further reading on this topic, I would love to check them out. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and helping to deepen our understanding of this subject. I felt compelled to leave a comment immediately after reading due to the outstanding quality of this piece. Keep up the fantastic work—I’ll definitely be returning for more updates. Your effort in creating such an excellent article is much appreciated!

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